Yes, I want to have another play date with you! My favorite seasons are Summer and Winter.
In the Summer I can go to the beach and in the Winter I can play in the snow. Did you get the Maltese already? I really want to meet your parrot Kiwi and your hamsters and your sisters. What is your favorite season?
Your friend Maya
Awesome job Maya.
Dear Maya, I got my puppies this Friday! Their names are Lily and Molly. Molly is really bouncy and loves to play. Lily is really pretty and sweet and loves to be held. My favorite season is summer and spring because summer we have no school and spring because it's beautiful. I know you don't have any pets, but if you could get any kind of pet in the world, which pet would you get and what would you name it? Also, what is your favorite kind of bird? Our bird is a quaker parrot. What is your favorite kind of food for Thanksgiving?
Maya, there is cool new stuff on my blog! Click on my name so you can see.
Rebecca and gabby, thank you for all your comments. Rebecca I am going to put photos of the dog I used to have.
A big hug
from Maya
I am mean Gabby with capital G
Dear Maya, I will name all my pets. Edgar Kiwi Maggie Dewdrop Violet Mia Molly Lily Stanley and Bradford. Did you like pre-K? What is your favorite kind of food? What is your favorite ice cream? My sister just turned 4 years old. Ask your Mommy for a playdate with me. PLEASE .............................!!!. from RebeccA.
Dear Maya, What are the names of of your friends in your school. How many Different Languages do you speak? I speak six. Chinese Hebrew Spanish French English Portugeses. What is your favorite flower? Mine is the bluebell. My favorite tree is the pine tree. this time Can you come to My house PLEASE.......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cat is 4 In French. umegos Is FrenD In Spannish. sholum Is helo or Goodby In hebrue.uw is helo in porkug. you is yes in chines. diD you now that I used to have ten hamsters? Rebecca. From ReBecca.
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